The Belgian-Romanian Business Association “BEROBA” becomes Bilateral Chamber of Commerce

The Belgian-Romanian Business Association “BEROBA” and the Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Bucharest proudly announce the change of the association’s status to Bilateral Chamber of Commerce. This change occurs following the accreditation of BEROBA as member of the Federation of Belgian Chambers of Commerce (BLCCA) in July 2017.

The event takes place nearly four years after the founding of BEROBA and marks the beginning of a new stage in the evolution of the institution and of the commercial relations between Belgium and Romania. Thus, BEROBA stands next to other similar institutions, among which the British Bilateral Chamber of Commerce BRCC and the French Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture.

President BEROBA Alain Schodts declared:

“Belgium has been for many years one of the most important foreign investors in Romania and since 2013 BEROBA is successfully representing the interests of the Belgian – Romanian business community.

We do that by creating business opportunities within our active community of 85 members, having a close contact with the Embassy of Belgium in Romania, but also via our active membership in the Coalition for Romania’s Development (CDR). CDR is a private initiative that brings together the most representative business sector organizations in Romania, with the aim of building a coherent and substantial institutional dialogue, particularly with the Romanian government.

BEROBA is going to work on the visibility and reachability in order to increase the amount of business opportunities that are established through the network of members and partners. Bringing a fresh approach, a lot of passion, strong connections in the community will be my personal commitment.

Starting 2018 BEROBA will have a new house style, so more information will follow.”

Ambassador of Belgium H.E. Mr. Thomas Baekelandt:

“After four years of dynamic positioning of BEROBA on the Romanian business scene, the association has been accredited by the Belgian-Luxemburg Chambers of Commerce Abroad (BLCCA), a group of the Federation of the “Belgian Chambers”. This accreditation is a guarantee of the serious management of BEROBA and its good reputation in the development of Belgian Romanian economic relations.”

Join us to become part of our success story!

More on BEROBA

Established in 2013 at the initiative of the Belgian Embassy in Bucharest and of Belgian investors in Romania, BEROBA has developed over time as a stand-alone organization, today counting 85 members, mostly Belgian companies and business people or entities with Belgian interests in Romania. Since its beginnings, the association has organized networking meetings and monthly debates on a variety of valuable subjects, managing to build a solid community of business people interested in the development of the Romanian-Belgian relations.

The most prominent event of the association is the Belgian Week, which takes place every year in April, in Bucharest or in other big cities in the country, and brings together workshops, social initiatives and business seminars, along with culinary traditions and authentic hallmarks of Belgian lifestyle.

Those wishing to become members of the Belgian-Romanian bilateral Chamber of Commerce are invited to sign up using the contact details above.

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