Fly. Experience. Meet. Display. Demo. Fly 2017

MAKE IT A WEEKEND!  August 18-20, 2017

Be part of a premium aviation weekend in Romania!  If you wish, take your family with you.

We reserved rooms for you at a premium location. We offer plane and car transportation through our partners.

In our century aviation and business mix is one of the most important ingredients of your business growth.

Through general aviation, you can save time, money, and a lot of efforts for your business.  You can use general aviation for business and also for leisure.

This premium event is attracting Chairpersons/CEOs, top executives, and managers from airlines, CAAs, Airports and other service providers in the aviation industry together with Chairpersons/CEOs, top executives, business owners and managers from all business sectors in Romania.

It’s an invitation only event, and it is not open for everybody. So, it is the unique opportunity to connect with like-minded people, to relax and have the perfect weekend, to have the most amazing aviation experience in your life.

We will take you to Tuzla Airport by plane, to the hotel and restaurants by car.

We arranged an amazing dinner and networking experience for you. We have VIP seats at AEROMANIA reserved for you.

We will provide you also with premium assistance and recommendation throughout the entire weekend.

You will find opportunities of general aviation in Romania:


  • Develop aviation business in Romania
  • Collaboration between companies and universities and investment in young professional for aviation
  • Identify and propose joint solutions to industry challenges
  • Discuss and find out about emerging technologies for airplanes, helicopters, and heliports
  • Share industry knowledge, information, and experience
  • Create a competitive environment & choice to aviation in our country
  • Gain valuable insights from industry leaders on how to improve your supply chain management
  • Discover how you can leverage on new technology the smart and cost-effective way
  • Deliver customers centric service, increase operational efficiency, and reduce cost through smart integration of airplane and airport systems
  • Sustain your business growth by exploiting financing opportunities for aircraft, technology and other equipment.
  • Experience high value networking, one-to-one business discussion and exhibitions all in one place
  • Learn from other aircraft owners’ experience and propose solutions for efficient taxation in Romania and the EU
  • Find out about funding opportunities for business – aircraft and new technology and equipment buying
  • VAT for aviation fuels, the aerial code in Romania and ROMATSA modern solutions for pilots, state investment for developing aviation
  • How can you become a pilot and which is the role of associations and flying schools. How many private planes are in Romania and how many pilots of general aviation we have?
  • How much costs an airplane, a helicopter or the pilot licence?
  • Benefit from in-depth knowledge in a specific area during our SAR workshop
  • Benefit of VIP seats at AEROMANIA – the most amazing air show in Romania on Saturday, August 19th 2017



Aerospace and astronautic companies investing in Romania are preoccupied to invest in young professionals and students.

Therefore, this year we are launching the Aeronautics and Astronautics Toffee that we would launched at the conference. It is designated only to students in Romania.

The contest is organized by the Politechnic University of Bucharest, The Aerospatial Engineering Faculty and AROPA, with the support of PRIAevents and Te contest is organized with the purpose of stimulating research, development and innovation activities of students in aeronautic and astronautic sectors (engineering and/or economics) and to identify the most valuable innovative ideas in aeronautic and astronautic sectors of students in Romania.

As a partner of PRIA Aviation you can be, together with the Politechnic University of Bucharest, The Aerospatial Engineering Faculty, AROPA and PRIAevents, one of the supporters of young inventors in the aeronautic and astronautic sector. One of your top specialists can be part of the jury of this innovation contest.

Encourage young inventors and their projects!


PRIA Aviation conference will provide you with case studies, best practices, and proven ways to overcome your most pressing business challenges. The conference agenda includes sessions focused on challenges and crucial issues impacting  your businesses and also collaboration between companies and universities and investment in young engineers and technicians.


Take your time and browse through the exhibit halls and aircraft displays. You’ll see all the new equipment that that you’ve been meaning to learn more about and will talk face-to face with the manufacturers who have made it all possible. You’ll also see things you’ve never heard of or thought you needed.

Take the chance to have demo fights with airplanes and helicopters.

Be sure to drop by the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Romania and let their staff help you fly better, safer, and cheaper with their amazing benefits and services.


SAR Workshop

ROMATSA, ISU, SMURD, RAS, CAA, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association will discuss about SAR procedures in Romania in a 2 hours workshop at Tuzla Airport.


Conference & Workshop at Tuzla Airport / Dinner and accommodation at a premium location.


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Vă informăm că la acest eveniment se realizează fotografii și videoclipuri live și post eveniment de către echipa PRIA Conferences și fotografi profesioniști contractați. Acestea vor fi făcute publice pe diversele canale de comunicare (online și print) ale PRIA Conferences și ale partenerilor PRIA Conferences.. Prin completarea acestui formular și participarea eveiment vă exprimați acordul ca PRIA Conferences SRL să folosească aceste fotografii și videoclipuri în prezentari, video-uri și pe canalele sale social media.

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Salvează în Calendar 2016-05-24 09:30:00 2016-05-24 21:00:00 Europe/Bucharest PRIA - Aviation Aviatia este un domeniu de importanta crescuta pentru business-uri, pentru economie in general, dar si pentru apararea tarii in contextul geopolitic actual. Conferinta PRIA Aviation aduce in discutie proiecte noi si cele mai importante teme & propuneri de schimbare a legislatiei în domeniu. PRIA Aviation reuneste cei mai importanti leaderi ai industriei, oficialitati guvernamentale, reprezentanti ai consiliilor judetene, producatori si operatori aerieni, proprietarii de aeronave, chartere, jet-uri si elicoptere, companii care au produse luxury, scoli de zbor, aerocluburi, furnizori de echipamente si articole de aviatie. Nu vor lipsi pilotii de aviatie de business si de aviatie generala, dar si cei care sunt pasionati de aviatie. De asemenea, vor fi prezente la conferinta si industriile conexe: reprezentanti ai hotelurilor, ai companiilor de inchirieri masini, investitori, companii de asigurari, bancheri, avocati, consultanti, dar si reprezentanti ai mass-mediei. Bucuresti, Romania PRIA events



Primar al Municipiului Constanţa

Ivona STAN

Expert, Ministery of Transport

Conf. Dr. Ing. Octavian Thor Pleter, MBA (MBS)

Dean, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering


President, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, UK

Iulian BOTTA

Vicepreședinte Aircraft Owner and Pilot Association of Romania, AOPA


Commercial Manager, Regional Air Services


Business Development Manager, E&M Corporation


Representative of Cirrus Romania


Chief of Aeronautical Agents Office, Romanian Civil Aeronautical Authority

Dr. Gabriel Adrian DUMITRESCU

Director General, R.A. ROMATSA, București


President, Euroavia

Bianca Moldovanu

Vicepresident, Euroavia


SAR Workshop

16.15 – 18.15

Coffee Break

16.00 – 16.15

Conference – the opportunities of general aviation for business

14.00 – 16.00

You will find opportunities of general aviation in Romania:

  • Develop aviation business in Romania
  • Identify and propose joint solutions to industry challenges
  • Discuss and find out about emerging technologies for airplanes, helicopters, and heliports
  • Share industry knowledge, information, and experience
  • Create a competitive environment & choice to aviation in our country
  • Gain valuable insights from industry leaders on how to improve your supply chain management
  • Discover how you can leverage on new technology the smart and cost-effective way
  • Deliver customers centric service, increase operational efficiency and reduce cost through smart integration of airplane and airport systems
  • Sustain your business growth by exploiting financing opportunities for aircraft, technology, and other equipment.
  • Experience high-value networking, one-to-one business discussion and exhibitions all in one place
  • Learn from other aircraft owners’ experience and propose solutions for efficient taxation in Romania and the EU
  • Find out about funding opportunities for business – aircraft and new technology and equipment buying
  • Find business financing opportunities –buying of aircrafts, new technologies, and other equipment
  • How can you become a pilot and which is the role of associations and flying schools? How many private planes are in Romania and how many pilots of general aviation we have
  • How much costs an airplane, a helicopter or the pilot license
  • Benefit from in-depth knowledge in a specific area during our SAR workshop
  • Benefit of VIP seats at AEROMANIA – the most amazing air show in Romania on Saturday, August 19th, 2017

Fly. Experience. Meet. Display. Demo. Fly

Conference audience

  • Producers and aerial operators;
  • Aircraft owners, aerial taxi, charter operators, pilots;
  • Luxury retailers – watches, pieces of jewelry and other luxury goods;
  • Corporate departments that are buying company flight packages;
  • Representatives of rent-a-car companies;
  • General aviation services providers, flying schools, aero clubs;
  • Investors, insurance companies, brokers, bankers, consultants;
  • Equipment and articles for aviation;
  • National Company of Airports Bucharest, ROMATSA, AOPA, ROMAERO representatives;
  • Handling, cargo, freight forward, cleaning, security companies;
  • Hotels, restaurants, real estate, tourism agencies, oils and gas companies;
  • IT companies, lawyers, insurers, investors, consultants;
  • Mass media representatives.


Tuzla Airport, Constanta County




Raluca Voivozeanu

Founder / CEO PRIA

C | 0744 584 661

E |



Tuzla Airport, Constanta County


T  | 0241 733 450


For more details, please contact us.

Take part in the annual meeting of the aviation community in Romania.

Attend to PRIA Aviation Conference

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