It’s alive: data protection enforcement | Interactive session





Günther Leissler

Counsel Data Protection, Schoenherr Austria

Costin Sandu

Head of Data Protection, Schoenherr Romania

Moderator - Georgiana Bădescu

Partner Eu & Competition, Schoenherr Romania


Welcome Coffee Break & Registration

09:00 - 09:30

It's alive: data protection enforcement | Interactive session

09:30 - 12:00
This event will consist on interactive sessions in order for the participants to gain the experience they need and they will know what to expect when they will have investigations from the authority at their office.

After an important year for data protection and privacy in both the EU and globally in 2019 we will explore together how the power of data can truly be harnessed through trust and responsible use, in order to deliver economic growth and societal benefits. All in the context of increasing technological innovation, on-going regulatory discussions in the EU around digital evidence and ePrivacy, and other global developments on this matters.
All these are extremely important for each company because the digital revolution is powered by data. Innovation in digital technologies and data related businesses are essential to a successful European data economy.
Therefore, the event will focus on enforcement in Romania and how investigations are actually carried out and also on case studies and analysis for Data Protection and GDPR, compliance and ethics in line with international best practices, enforcement in Romania and how investigations are actually carried out, challenging of sanctions and investigations by lead supervisory authorities. Atendees will also benefit of Austrian Data Protection Authority enforcement insights.

Attendees will have the opportunity to find out about more about most remarkable enforcement developments in Europe and to learn from top speakers from Romania and Austria and meet senior managers from corporations, legal managers and compliance officers.

Participate to this important interactive session together with data protection, privacy, governance and security professionals to share knowledge, tools and insights on the ever-evolving industry.

Why attend?

• Know what to expect when you will have investigations from the authority at your office
• Investigations by lead supervisory authorities
• Enforcement in Romania: how investigations are actually carried out
• Challenging of sanctions
• Austrian Data Protection Authority enforcement insights
• Find out about more about most remarkable enforcement developments in Europe
• Learn from top speakers from Romania and Austria and meet senior managers from corporations, legal managers, compliance officers

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