PRIA Competition Conference, the most important event dedicated to Competition, will take place on February 28th 2017

PRIAevents, in partnership with the Competition Council, organizes PRIA Competition conference, the most important event dedicated to competition on February 28, 2017, beginning at 9.30, at Hotel Sheraton, Platinum room.

Mr. Bogdan CHIRIŢOIU, President of the Competition Council, is participating in this important event, along with other business leading speakers.

Along with Mr. Bogdan CHIRIŢOIU, President of the Competition Council, the following speakers will also participate at PRIA Competition conference: Marcel Bogdan PANDELICĂ – President, ANPC; Bogdan PUȘCAȘ – President, ANAP; Dragos ANASTASIU – President, AHK Romania; Sergiu OPRESCU – President, Romanian Banking Association; Mihaela ION – Managing Associate, Popovici, Nițu Stoica și Asociații; Teodor BLIDĂRUȘ – President, ANIS; Silvia VLĂSCEANU – Executive Director, Association of energy utility companies, ACUE and an AMRCR representative.

The following topics will be debated at the conference: Competition – vital mechanism for the proper functioning of our economy; Legislative novelties regarding competition. What has changed in the course of 2016 and what changes are expected for 2017?;

Competition in key sectors of the Romanian economy: banking, insurance, retail, energy, telecom, pharma, auto, environment, etc.; State aid – how can they be granted? What is the role of the Competition Council? EU directive on actions for damages;

EU directive on actions for damages, whereby consumers could be compensated quickly, that should have been implemented by Member States by the end of 2016;

State Companies – which are the regulations of the Competition Council in this regard?; Competition and public procurement; Recommendations of good practice;

The role of consultants for increasing competition in the business culture;

Which are the suggestions of the business field, embassies, and chambers of commerce?

Competition is a vital mechanism of the Romanian economy and the Competition Council in Romania is having a very important role in ensuring a healthy competitive environment. This encourages efficiency and innovation and reduces prices. Also, companies are encouraged to provide consumer goods and services in the most favorable terms.

Every manager, owner, juridical director and acquisition director of companies from all business sectors in Romania are interested in competition regulations because Competition Council advises important business maters from how companies fix their prices to million M&A transactions.

In this context, PRIA Conferences and the Competition Council invites you, as always, at the beginning of every year, to attend the first complex event completely dedicated to competition.

During PRIA Competition conference you will benefit from hearing legislative news regarding competition, high-level analysis and case studies of the most important competition investigations of this year.

The focus is still on the fight against cartels, abuse of dominant companies in their activity sector, mergers and acquisitions, and against unfair competition.

Therefore, competition policies must be known and understood by all those involved in the economy. Companies must know ways of how they can be protected by legislation if they become victims of anti-competitive practices, and which are the penalties they can receive if they decide not to respect competition rules. It is very important for companies to know these regulations in the business field, but for individuals.

Participate to PRIA Competition Conference to analyze the legislation novelties and challenges, but also to find out when they will enter into force. Meet the most important representatives of the Competition Council and other state authorities, representatives of Chambers of Commerce and embassies, representatives from the energy, retail, telecom, media market, the construction and real estate, IT&C, banking sector, pharmaceutical market, transport and logistics, tourism and mass media.

PRIAevents conferences bring always into attention to the most important and current issues of debate in each business area and have a large presence of participants and mass – media. With an experience of over 12 years in organizing premium business events, PRIAevents team is recognized for organizing top events of the most representative sectors of the economy.

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