Pria Consumer Protection Conference

28.03.2024 - ARCUB


PRIAevents, organizes the Pria Consumer Protection Conference on March 28th, 2024, starting with 9:30, in Bucharest, Romania – a unique, large-scale event that brings to the discussion table the representatives of the European Commission, National Authority of Consumer Protection, the Competition Council, the business environment, associations and others involved parties. It is a hybrid event.

Consumer Protection topics have been discussed more and more at the level of the European Union, several Directives, measures, agreements for this segment have been implemented.

The National Consumer Authorities have the role of ensuring that consumers in the EU are well informed about their rights and are able to exercise them. It also represents European consumers in the development of legislation designed to protect them.

So, the Consumer Protection Authorities from the EU countries and implicitly from Romania, have made changes in this regard recently.

Consumer Protection must be a vital mechanism for the economy, ANPC 9romanian Consumer Protection Authority) having a very important role in preventing and combating practices that harm the life, health, security and economic interests of consumers, in carrying out market surveillance activities for products and services intended for consumers; protecting consumers against unfair commercial practices.

We will learn about the role of businesses and consumers in promoting economic recovery and resilience, about a more sustainable single market for businesses and consumers, we will discuss how better to implement certain measures in our legislation and whether there is a need to change some already existing, we will be able to highlight the importance of informing and raising the awareness of Romanian consumers about the benefits of the European single market and the rights arising from the European consumer status.

Thus, for the effective protection of consumers, it is essential that the three parties – consumers, the business community and the authorities – have interests in ensuring the respect of consumer rights.

In this event, we will discuss the latest legislative changes, orders, measures and regulations regarding consumer protection and how the business environment has assimilated all these changes, what they need to know to be able to comply with the regulations in force and for having good business ethics should place the customer as one of the most important factors and thus, give them all the benefits they deserve. Thus, the reputation of the business is preserved, but financial losses due to fines or other measures that the Consumer Protection Authority can apply are also avoided.




Paul Anghel

Director of National Authority for Consumer Protection Romania – ANPC

Ana-Maria Baciu

Managing Partner, SIMION&BACIU

Mihaela Bălău

Managing Associate, Grecu Partners

George Bădescu

Executive Director, Association of Large Commercial Networks

Gerald Flintocă-Filip

Secretary General, PRISA

Raluca Voivozeanu

Moderator: CEO, PRIAevents


Registration of participants and welcome coffee

09:30 - 10:00

Interactive panel – Consumer protection and business ethics

Topics under discussion: Consumers at the heart of EU competition policy The role of ANPC and the measures it prepares. The business ethics of Romanian companies regarding consumer protection The role of legal advisors The role of companies and consumers in promoting economic recovery and resilience More sustainable single market for businesses and consumers How are certain measures best implemented in our legislation and if there is a need to change some that already exist? The importance of informing and raising awareness among Romanian consumers about the benefits of the European single market and the rights arising from the European consumer status Transposition of the Omnibus Directive into national legislation The national normative act transposing Directive 2161/2019 amending Council Directive 93/13/EEC and Directives 98/6/CE, 2005/29/CE and 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council regarding a better assurance of compliance with the Union's consumer protection rules and the modernization of these rules Repeal of Directive 2002/65/EC, modernization and then introduction of still relevant articles (right to pre-contractual information and right of withdrawal) in Directive 2011/83/EU (Directive on consumer rights), extension of the application of certain rules of Directive 2011/83/EU to consumer financial services contracted at a distance and introducing specific new provisions to ensure online fairness when consumers contract financial services online. Directive 2005/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on unfair business-to-consumer commercial practices in the internal market The commercial register, the widespread use of electronic signatures, mail correspondence, winter orders, orders and other ANPC instruments How many control actions were carried out by the National Consumer Protection Authority in 2023? But until now in 2024? In which business sectors are there more problems? Where did you get more notifications from? When are the fines applied and what is their amount? The definitive stop of non-compliant products, the temporary stop of the provision of services until the deficiencies are remedied, warnings, the proposal to stop unfair commercial practices, the proposal of temporary closure for a period between 6 and 12 months, as well as the proposal of definitive closure are part of the ANPC instruments, which is the advice of legal consultants, what companies need to know and fulfill in order not to end up with all this/. What exactly should companies have in mind when drawing up contracts? When they set the product return policies? Consumer protection and the banking system / Consumer protection and retail / Consumer protection and the healthcare sector Consumer protection in other key areas such as: cars, construction and real estate, services, food, online shopping and more Large-scale violation of EU consumer protection rules can mean, for a company, a fine of 4% of the annual turnover. How were the fines applied in Romania in the last year? EU Regulation on cooperation between national authorities responsible for ensuring compliance with consumer protection legislation. Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers Unfair Commercial Practices Directive Digitization – new opportunities and challenges, the green transition Online advertising and privacy - the challenges of cookies Digitization and the financial sector - Digitization and the opportunities and risks of digitalization for consumers of financial services, with a special focus on vulnerabilities and the use of personal data

10:00 - 12:45

Q&A and Conclusions

12:45 - 13:15

Networking lunch

13:15 - 14:00
At the PRIA Consumer Protection Conference 2024, you will benefit from the latest consumer protection legislation, high-level analysis and case studies.

You will have the opportunity to meet the most important lecturers in the field but also to exchange opinions and experience with participants concerned with the same topics as you, to find out how legal consultants can help you, to see what the opinions of associations and companies from your industry are. Examples, case studies and news will be real sources of learning and development for the work you do.

PRIA Consumer Protection Conference is part of the series of successful conferences organized by PRIAevents in Romania, Republic of Moldova and Bulgaria.

With over 15 years of experience in organizing premium events, the PRIAevents team is recognized for organizing well-documented events from the most representative sectors of the economy and for the most important award ceremonies.





We are at your disposal for details on the event.
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Pria Consumer Protection Conference

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