Pria Drones Conference & Exhibition 2020

18.09.2020 - ONLINE and ONSITE at CARANSEBES AIRPORT Romania





Reprezentantive Ministry of Transportation in Romania

Aeronautical Inspector

Romanian Civil Aviation Authority, CAA


AROPA – Romanian Association of Private Operators in Aviatio

Representatives of drones companies

Prof.univ.dr. Roxana VIDICAN

Dean of Agriculture University of USAMV Cluj-Napoca and Coordinator of AGRIM network

Ciprian IORGA – General Manager

La Orizont and Skyline Drones, Romania


Start online conference

10:30 - 10:45

Drone Conference Panel - LIVE broadcast

10:45 - 12:30

Q&A and Conclusions from speakers and online participants

12:30 - 13:00

Live broadcast from Caransebes Airport - Launching a “Drone experiment corridor “ at BANAT Airport – Caransebes ( LRCS ) as part of “ BANAT Air Park “ business initiative

13:00 - 14:00

Public access for the exhibition at Caransebes Airport (outdoor exhibition)

Attention: we will allow a maximum of 50 participants per tour as the law is enforcing at this moment. All participants must register prior to the event and receive the organizers confirmation. All participants need to wear masks all time during the event and disinfect hands upon arrival. The exposition will take place oudoor at Caransebes Airport ( adress: Strada Aeroportului 1, Caransebeș, post code 325400, Romania)

14:00 - 18:00
PRIAevents, with the support of Roamnaian CAA, Caransebes Airport and AROPA, is organizing the leading event in Romania focused on drones for commercial use. It will be held on September 18th 2020 online conference and the expo is taking place at Caransebes Airport and it will also be broadcasted online. With top education, unlimited networking and an exhibition floor of commercial drones, is the must-attend event if keeping up with the newest regulations, technology and developments is your priority.

The event addresses critical issues commercial users face when it comes to drones: regulatory issues, data management and outsourcing vs. insourcing, systems integration and more.
Today, drones are quickly increasing in numbers and complexity, and becoming a part of our everyday lives.

New EU Regulation for drones as of January 1st 2021. The purpose of this reform is to create a truly harmonized drone market in Europe with the highest level of safety.

How are we going to apply these regulations in Romania? Are we going to make changes into the aerial code of Romania? Flying a drone can be really fun but as a drone pilot you are now another user of busy skies. It is important that you know how to fly your drone both safely and legally.
With the challenges of increasing automation with manned flights and plants the seeds for future integration of unmanned vehicles. How it will be done in our country?

With increasing road congestion, air taxis/eVTOLs (vertical take-off & landing) have now formed a new line of business for airports, airlines, railway stations and city authorities, providing a new way for passengers and packages to arrive on time. Also, delivery is expected to be made with drones, test are being made nowadays in different countries. Will Romania be next?

The market for commercial drones is growing faster than anticipated, and could triple in the next decades.

The commercial use of drones is one of the reasons why the industry is growing so much and so fast. From creating analyzing and determining crop health to 3D models of construction sites, drones not only bring efficiency and productivity advantages to various businesses, but also security and safety.

The construction industry is taking great advantage of drone technology, by using them to collect real-time data about projects and understand what’s happening on site. Aside from providing hourly, weekly, or monthly information about a site, drones also increase safety, save time and resources, since aerial insights help catch problems early before they become costly or add weeks to a project’s timeline.
When it comes to environmental disasters, drones are helping responders by providing rapid situational awareness with mapping technology and imagery, identifying hot spots and assess property damage, searching for survivors, assessing utility and infrastructure damage, and more.

By 2020, the European commercial drone market is expected to generate more than 544 million U.S. dollars in revenue.
By 2022, the global number of mass-market drones is projected to reach 35 million units – of which some 25% are in Europe. The number of specialized drones is expected to rise spectacularly, to more than 9 million. Some 75% of these 35 million mass-market drones are to be used for commercial activities as well. For a longer perspective, Airbus forecasts for 2035 that about an equivalent number to daily commercial piloted flights in the air at any given moment of the day over Europe are to happen over one single major city. This number would include commercial manned aircraft, air taxi, delivery drones, inspection drones, hobby drones, etc.

The public conditions and the infrastructure for integrated air and ground smart mobility solutions to flourish, where new and clean technologies, big data, real-time information and corresponding business models converge towards the enablement and realization of “mobility as a service”.


Friday, September 18th 2020
10.30-10.45 Start online conference
10.45: 12.30 Online Pria Drone Conference Panel:
• New EU Regulation for drones as of January 1st 2021
• How to we integrate changes in Romania? What it will be included in the aerial code of Romania?
• How to Integrate Drones into Your Business Practice
• Key trends in drone commercial industry in Romania
• How can a business initiative like “ BANAT Air Park “ revive the air business sector in a region like Caransebes?
• Launching a “Drone experiment corridor “ at BANAT Airport – Caransebes ( LRCS ) as part of “ BANAT Air Park “ business initiative
• How do we keep safety at its highest standards in Airports with the increasing number of drones operations?
• How drones are revolutionizing the agriculture industry, telecom, energy, transport , construction and infrastructure, delivery and logistics?
• Smart Cities & Urban Air Mobility Panel Discussion
• Using Artificial intelligence in Drones: Simplifying data, workflows and AI/machine learning
• Case studies, experiences and results,
• Drone regulations and permits – present and future. What do B2B drones companies or B2C drone companies need to know when operating a drone?
• Data management and analysis
• Machine learning & AI
• To inhouse or outsource
• Autonomous Drone Operations
• Artificial Intelligence

12.30 -13.00 Q&A and Conclusions from speakers and online participants
• 13.00 – 14.00 Live transmission from Caransebes Airport - Launching a “Drone experiment corridor “ at BANAT Airport – Caransebes ( LRCS ) as part of “ BANAT Air Park “ business initiative

14.00 -18.00 – Public access for the exhibition at Caransebes Airport (outdoor exhibition)
( Attention: we will allow a maximum of 50 participants as the law is enforcing at this moment. All participants must register prior to the event and receive the organizers confirmation. All participants need to wear masks all time during the event and disinfect hands upon arrival).

Why attend?
The online Conference Program features leaders who are actively shaping the industry, including tech pioneers, regulators and operators using drones to make for more efficient and safer operations.

It will include a global industry update and market outlook, sessions on smart cities and urban air mobility, security and counter-drone technology and vertical industry deep-dives.

The Exhibition puts the newest technology solutions from the top vendors at your fingertips. Qualify and compare products and services. Ask questions of technical leads and other users. Find the solution that’s right for you.
Keeps you informed with how you can legally and safely operate your drone in the light of the newest National and European regulations.

Who to attend?
Professionals involved in capturing, processing and utilizing remotely sensed UAS data including:
• Commercial Drone, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Enthusiasts
• Industry Professionals
• Startups and Entrepreneurs
• Corporate Leaders
• Private and Public Sector Leaders
• Lecturers and Academicians
• Students
• Asset Owners and Operators
• EPCs (Engineering/Procurement/Construction)
• AECs (Architects/Engineers/Construction)
• Surveyors
• Technology Leads
• Project Managers
• Farmers & Crop Consultants
• First Responders and Law Enforcement
• City Authorities & Licensing Authorities
• Ministries and Airport Representatives


• Energy & Utilities
• Agriculture
• Constructions
• Infrastructure & Transportation
• Public Safety & Emergency Services
• Security
• Surveying & Mapping
• Telecommunications
• Delivery
• Airports
• Airlines
• Aircraft Manufacturers
• Logistics companies
• Accountants & Lawyers
• Investment companies
• Architecture designers
Drone industry is developing extremely fast but is still very young and fragmented. Therefore, in Romania we need to stay in line with technological trend and not to be taken by surprise if we do not know the EU prepared for all member states as of July 1st 2020.
It is very important to bring together ideas with relevant peers and create a coomon understanding of the current and future capabilities of drones.

Attend Pria Drones Conference & Exhibition, the first online event for drones in Romania
In this way you will attend the largest and most important event regarding drones in Romania and learn about the newest supplier advances and best practices and about legislation!

We provide a platform to all innovators to show their application to a large public and for companies and public to see and decide about future drone acquisition!

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We are at your disposal for details on the event.
Take part of the meeting

Pria Drones Conference & Exhibition 2020

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