Protect your integrity and reputation through anti-corruption prevention mechanisms


Dentons, Deloitte and Reff & Asociatii – Deloitte Legal in partnership with AmCham Romania hosted a conference on how to Protect your Integrity and Reputation through Anti-corruption Prevention Mechanisms, on November 16th, 2016. The conference benefited from the participation of important guest speakers from USA, UK and Romania.

The role of compliance and ethics continues to evolve rapidly worldwide with companies paying more attention than ever to do business with integrity and having anti-corruption compliance programs that are in line with international best practices. Corruption prevention is a sensitive topic, and it is subject to ever increasing legal requirements

During the anti-corruption prevention mechanisms conference, you found out about the latest and best solutions for compliance and ethics challenges, including anti-corruption, data protection, and risk management. The agenda of the event also included different case studies along with discussions and introductions of the history of anti-corruption laws, while we analyzed the Romanian model and provided solutions on how to build a successful compliance environment.

The objective of the conference was to gather regulating authorities, compliance officers, lawyers, consultants and business leaders to take part in a rich exchange of ideas and experiences to identify and find solutions to emerging issues in anti-corruption compliance.

Senior managers from corporations, compliance officers, and legal representatives benefited from the key speakers’ presentations about corruption and fraud prevention in business, the best practices in corporate compliance, the challenges of the organizational culture, the management of compliance risks, anti-bribery compliance challenges, anti-bribery legislation in Romania and the international context.

Participants had the opportunity to hear from and discuss with experienced professionals from Dentons Bucharest and London offices as well as representatives from consultancy companies and Romanian government.


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Salvează în Calendar 2016-03-29 13:00:00 2016-03-29 21:30:00 Europe/Bucharest PRIA - Women in Agriculture Conferința PRIA Agriculture este cel mai important eveniment al primăverii pentru agricultură și reprezintă o reală platformă de dezbatere între autorități, fermieri și companiile care își desfășoară activitatea în acest sector. Începând cu această primavară conferința este însoțită de gala PRIA – Women in Agriculture, în cadrul căreia vom recunoaște eforturile și contribuția femeilor pentru acest sector important al economiei românești. Bucuresti, Romania PRIA events


Ms. Victoria-Violeta ALEXANDRU

Minister for Public Consultation and Civic Dialog


State Secretary, Ministry of Justice

Mr. Bogdan STAN

President of the National Integrity Agency

Ms. Anda TODOR

Managing Partner, Dentons Bucharest, Chair of the Corporate Governance Committee, AmCham Romania


Partner, Dentons US

Mr. Andrei Burz-PÎNZARU

Partner, Reff & Associates - Deloitte Legal

Ms. Paula Lavric

Director Forensic, Deloitte

Mr. Sebastian Popovici

Compliance Manager, Vodafone Romania


Registration & coffee

9:00 - 9:30

Welcome Remarks and Presentation of the AmCham Document „Guidelines on Third Parties Anti-corruption Due Diligence”

by Ms. Anda Todor, Managing Partner, Dentons Bucharest, Chair of the Corporate Governance Committee, AmCham Romania

9:30 - 9:45

Anti-Bribery Legislation – the Romanian Model

by Mr. Adrian Baboi-Stroe, State Secretary, Ministry of Justice

9:45 – 10:00

Incompatibilities and Conflict of Interests Regulated by the Romanian Law/ “Prevent” Law

by Mr. Bogdan Stan, President of the National Integrity Agency

10:00 - 10:15

The Unique Registry for the Transparency of Interests – A Transparency Tool for Companies and Authorities

by Ms. Violeta Alexandru, Minister for Public Consultation and Civic Dialog

10:15 - 10:30

Managing Business Crime Risks via Effective Compliance Programs

by Mr. Andrei Burz- Pînzaru, Partner, Reff & Associates – Deloitte Legal // Ms. Paula Lavric, Director Forensic, Deloitte

10:30 - 11:15

Building a Compliance Structure by the Companies

by Mr. Maxwell Carr-Howard, Partner, Dentons US

10:30 - 11:15

Best Practices in Corporate Compliance: Vodafone’s Compliance Program

by Mr. Sebastian Popovici, Compliance Manager, Vodafone Romania

11:15 - 11:30


11:30 - 12:00

Buffet Lunch & Networking

12:00 - 13:00

The anti-corruption prevention mechanisms conference was designed as a practical interactive discussion between specialists, regulating authorities, top executives, compliance officers, academicians, and business leaders and it was meant to be this year’s most important anti-corruption prevention mechanisms conference for top managers and professionals working in the compliance and ethics profession across all industries in Romania.

The event was organized with the assistance of PRIAevents – a company with a team that has over 10 years of experience in organizing premium events.

The media partners of the conference included:  Agerpres, Transilvania Business, Wolters Kluwer,, 9AM.

Locatie eveniment

J W Marriott Hotel Bucharest,
Salon D






Raluca Voivozeanu

Founder / CEO PRIA

M | 0744 584 661

T | 031 421 9254

E |



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J W Marriott Hotel Bucharest,
Salon D

Calea 13 Septembrie 90, București
Bucharest, Romania

T | + 40 214 030 000



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Protect your Integrity and Reputation through Anti-corruption Prevention Mechanisms

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